I just happened to come across a National Calendar which informed me that today is ‘National Encouragement Day.’ What a great idea this is. I appreciate Mother’s and Father’s, Grandparents, Valentine’s, and all the other ‘Days’ when we can show our loved ones how much they mean to us (normally at an exorbitant price for the privilege), but this one is much better.

We all love to focus on the negative things in life, moaning when things go wrong, or slagging someone off when they have upset or offended us (maybe without them even realising). so to show our support to each other is a wonderful, positive thing that we can all do without spending a single penny.

As I have mentioned before, this blogging community that we all belong to, is one of the most supportive, and encouraging group of people who I have ever met (even if it is virtual)!

We all take on challenges of one kind or another during our lives, and we all have dreams and goals that we aspire to. We can do so much more than we realise, it is just a case of having the courage to get up and go for it!