As some of you may know, I started my new job yesterday. Well actually, I started the training for my new job yesterday. I have been looking forward to this for some time, especially after some of the trials I had, gathering together all of the paperwork I needed!

There must be something about Monday mornings that my body doesn’t care for as I woke up feeling lousy! Now, I didn’t have to be at the offices (which as it happens are a 10 minute walk from my house) until 9am, so that in itself is a major bonus, giving me both a lie-in and a pleasant walk.

Too bad ‘the virus’ decided to make a comeback, determined to finish what it had started only a couple of weeks ago! Oh yes, and just to mix it up a little. let’s throw in a few really large mouth ulcers so that not only will I be talking in that nasally twang, you get with a snotty/bunged up nose, but  my words will be distorted and garbled as well due to my sore mouth!

Anyway, I got through yesterday, not too badly, apart from nearly spontaneously combusting in the training room as I was so hot. Luckily they turned up the air conditioning (yes, it is a new office building), and I tried to ignore that people behind me were reaching for their cardigans and coats! I sensibly, came home, dosed up on tablets and had an early night.

Today, I felt  worse but had the knowledge that I was in for an early finish due to having a full day extra training on Thursday along with a few other clinical staff. I had the grace to keep my snotty tissue in my hand though and try to control my sneezing when we covered the segment regarding infection control!

Not a great start to my new job but at least it should have cleared up before I go out and see my patients!