Welcome to the first Free-For-All Friday of 2016.  Yes, it’s back! There are so many wonderful blogs out there and it would be a shame if you have missed out on them. I have chosen some posts this week that have had an impact on me one way or another, that I thought I would share. Please visit all of these wonderful blogs if you haven’t already done so.

KL Register  A short poem beautifully written, that I’m sure will resonate with so many of you.

Confusing Middle A bit of silliness that made me roar my head off!

Scribbles At Arpita This post was an interview with an extremely funny blogger who never fails to make me laugh. The interviewer asks just the right questions to set it all off perfectly 🙂

Wafflemethis. Who said chivalry was dead? A real old-fashioned love poem.

Van By The River something we are all familiar with – but perhaps a new perspective will make us see it in a new light?

So there you are. A small selection of delights for you to feast upon this week. Enjoy!

Happy Friday!