
This is a great word for Linda’s Just Jot it January prompt today – ‘elegance.’ It is something that I am truly lacking in, but wish that I had.

I thought I would dig out a poem that I wrote some time ago for those of you that have not seen it yet, about my desire to be more graceful and elegant!

Oh how I wish I was graceful

and not a disaster on wheels

I trip over every obstacle

And my shoes have got broken off heels

I try so hard to be upright

But always fall flat on my face

My body is covered in bruises

From where I have fallen from grace

I long to be elegant and classy

But that is just not to be

Whilst others are sipping their cocktails

I’m knocking over my tea.

Life for me would be perfect

If only I was more chic

Instead of awkward and bumbling

And coming across as a freak

Oh how I wish I was graceful

But life is not very fair

So I’ll carry on being clumsy

And pretending that I just don’t care!