It is Ronovan’s turn this week to give us the prompt word for his and Colleen’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday Challenge and he has come up with ‘happiness.’  This quote says it all really; sometimes we are looking so hard for something, we don’t realise that it is there right under our noses!

Some of us might find happiness if we quit struggling so desperately for it!

–  William Feather.


When the sun is shining

and there’s a gentle, cooling breeze

When the birds are singing

And playing in the trees.

When the flowers are blooming

With all their vibrant hues

When I have a day off work

And can get an extra-long snooze!

When I bump into an old friend

I haven’t seen for a while

When my great-niece Molly

Gives me a gummy smile

When I get to spend time

With all my family

When my husband cooks me

My favourite meal for tea!

When someone says ‘thank you’

As they know, you did your best

When I had my daughter

For that, I am truly blessed.

All these little pleasures

Are not that far away

They are things that make me happy

And brighten up my day.