It is time for another foray into the world of Flash Fiction. This week, Charli from the Carrot Ranch has given us this image and five a day to use, and here are the rules:

Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Challenge. Five a day


November 23, 2017, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about Five a Day. It does not have to be five servings of fruits and vegetables. What is needed five times a day? Have fun with what pops to mind for the prompt.

Respond by November 28, 2017, to be included in the compilation (published November 29). Rules are here. All writers are welcome!

“Eat your vegetables you two. Connie, you’ve hardly touched those sprouts.”

“But Mum, you know I hate them, anyway, they make you blow off!”

To reiterate her point, Mark her brother let out a loud PARP, and both children giggled.

“MARK!” That is enough of that, leave the table at once!”

“Pooh, that stinks, Mum I can’t eat any more now, Mark has put me off.”

Jenny sighed, the pungent aroma wafted over her; some Christmas dinner this was turning out to be.

Pouring herself a fifth glass of wine, she braced herself for the rest of the day.



I don’t know why my mind went in this direction!