Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

#SoCS Picture — March 24, 2018

#SoCS Picture

This week Linda has given us, picture for our Stream of Consciousness posts, which can be used as follows: Write about, or theme your post on the first picture you see when you sit down to start writing. You don’t need to describe the picture necessarily–you can even put yourself in it if you’re not already there. Enjoy!

Well, the first picture or rather pictures that I saw when I sat down to write were the ones that are in my images folder that I use for my blog. A couple of weeks ago my blog was reset to an earlier date due to some running problems. After spending nearly two full days in contact with technical support to get the blog to this point, I was so happy to see that it returned, that I didn’t realise there was a fatal flaw – no images were showing up on the posts or in my media!

The very first ones on my blog and also the homepage images were there so that is why I didn’t realise there was anything amiss. Last night though, the penny dropped! Where were all the images hiding? The only ones in my media were those that I had recently uploaded. I did a bit of poking around, to see if I could figure out where they had gone, then eventually turned to my ever faithful friend Mr Google, for some answers.

I was not impressed with the complicated procedures regarding file permissions and other stuff that I didn’t understand, but despite, messing up my blog before by tinkering with stuff I have no clue about, I managed to change them but still no difference. Another suggestion by my helpful friend was to re-upload the entire lot as they could have got ‘lost’ during the reset. Bugger, that is going to take time. Luckily this blog is not that old, but I still have loads of posts to sort out.

Not only do I have to re-upload them but of course, I need to re-assign them to the particular post they were meant for! I have started on this mammoth task, but it is going to take ages. Please bear with my rather naked blog if you find it imageless, I am working on it!

I just wanted to put you in the picture!

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