Linda’s prompt word for this week’s Stream of Consciousness post is season. We can use it however we wish (even adding a suffix to it) and get bonus points for starting and ending with a season or seasoning. Oh, and a picture gets even more bonus points!

Autumn is well and truly settling in we have had all kinds of weather, ranging from unseasonably warm days and days like today which are cold and blustery. (I think storm Brian is popping in and out  just to keep us on our toes)!

I feel that every season has something to offer. Autumn with its beautiful reds and golds, crisp mornings and chilly evenings. Of course, there is also Halloween with the kids dressing up and houses decorated in all sorts of spooky ways. Then it is Guy Fawkes night and the sky will be lit up in all kinds of colours as fireworks whizz and pop into life. Hopefully, the skies will be clear so that people can enjoy them.

Winter is burrowing in time! Wrapped in a blanket on the settee with fleecy pyjamas and thick socks, then getting then having a hot flush! Dark nights and mornings mean wanting to stay in bed where it is warm and cosy. Hearty, filling meals like stews, and casseroles, stodgy puddings, crumbles and custard, and large mugs of hot chocolate or milky coffee. Ahhhhh, I can dream of all those delicious calories waiting to be consumed!  If we are lucky (or unlucky if you have to drive in it), we might even get a bit of snow. Such fun for the kids as inevitably, the schools will shut down, there will be chaos on the roads and the trains will not be able to cope with ‘the wrong kind of snow.’

Spring is always so welcome to me, the lighter evenings, warmer weather that is not sweltering, just pleasant. The flowers poking their heads up above ground to see what is going on, bluebells in the woods, blossom on the trees, birds singing, digging out the shorts and t-shirts only for it to suddenly turn arctic!

Lastly, the beautiful summer, blue skies, hot sunshine, beaches, barbecues and loads of daylight. Of course, it also means, suntan lotion, insect bites, dragging the fan out of the loft, chucking the duvet off the bed, and moaning about the heat!

Yes, each one has something to offer, but being British, I also love to moan about the seasons!


SoCS Season