pear with rotten teeth!
Image courtesy of Sandra Dorey

I have teamed up again with the talented Sandra (or Daffy as I like to call her), from Wild Daffodil to bring you another bit of silliness this Saturday.  Sandra is incredibly artistic and creative, and I just love the images she has created out of shells, stones and flowers.

One of the nicest things about Sandra’s blog is that you never know what she is going to get up to next, from beach art to knitted wigs, and mandalas to making spirals in her garden.

This week’s Silly Saturday is all about a poorly pear named Petra. After several comments about Tom the tomato possibly being a good example to use to encourage people to look after their teeth, we thought it would be fun to introduce a couple of #SillySaturday Health posts. Although there is still the usual silliness you can expect from us both, there is also a serious side too. Anyway, please let us know what you think of this idea.

Petra the pear was feeling poorly  

She didn’t know quite what to do

Not only was she putting some weight on

But she was suffering from toothache too!

She had started to let her self go a bit

Indulging in too many treats

The sugary snacks made her teeth hurt

Causing trouble whenever she eats!

For too many years she’d been smoking

Which caused her teeth to go brown

Her gums receding and bleeding

It was time to turn things around.

She wanted her life to be fruitful

And continue her family tree

But she had to make sure she was healthy

And in the best shape she could be

First stop was to the doctors

To get help with giving up smoking

The harm it was causing her body

Was both sobering and thought-provoking

As if heart disease and strokes weren’t enough

It could cause breathing problems as well

Tooth loss, fertility problems and cancer

Not to mention the horrible smell

She decided to go for the patches

And started the very next day

She found that her nicotine cravings

Were slowly melting away.

Next stop was to the dentists

To see if something could brighten her smile

Because her teeth were so neglected

It was going to take a little while

It was not just about brushing and flossing

That Petra had neglected to do

But her sugary addiction

Had helped in her tooth decay too

Th dentist took some impressions

And gave Petra’s mouth a good clean

She was advised not just to clean the outside

But all around, underneath and between.

It was too late for poor Petra

To save some of the teeth that she had

She had to make some appointments

To remove the ones that were bad

Several months later and Petra is glowing

Her smile now so fresh and so bright

She cleans her teeth like an expert

Even the ones she takes out at night!

Images Courtesy of Sandra Dorey