Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

#JusJoJan 2018 January 31st and #1LinerWeds Thank You — January 31, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018 January 31st and #1LinerWeds Thank You

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them. Sadly it is the very last day today and it is combined with One-Liner Wednesday as well. 

Thank you Linda for another fun month of Just Jot it January, I have thoroughly enjoyed it, and it has gone far too quickly!

A short and sweet post today, to thank Linda for hosting #JusJoJan and to everyone else that joined in. It has been great fun using your prompts and reading your posts!

#1linerWeds badge by Dan Antion
#JusJoJan 2018. January 30th Scrumptious — January 30, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 30th Scrumptious

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 29th, 2018, brought to you by me, is “Scrumptious.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. 

I chose the word scrumptious because I love the way it sounds, in fact, it is the kind of word that feels as though it belongs on an old Disney film like ‘Mary Poppins’or ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’.

I do use it quite a bit, in relation to food (of course); it is the perfect fit to describe a chocolate layer cake with all the trimmings, yummmmm.

I like to give members of my family little nicknames, and Scrumptious was just right for my little nephew. He is now 26, so the last time I called him it, I shortened it to Scrump, or Scrumpkin (I used to call him Pumpkin as well, and you know how I like to rhyme everything)!

Anyway, that’s enough nonsense from me!  I hope you had fun with this word.

#JusJoJan 2018. January 28th Fantastic — January 29, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 28th Fantastic

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 29th, 2018, brought to you by my new friend Jill, is “Fantastic.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Jill at her blog, “J-Dubs Grin and Bear It,” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://jilywily.wordpress.com/

I have to admit that I actually wrote this post on Friday evening. I am working both Saturday and Sunday and after a looooong shift, I don’t always feel like writing too much.

After feeling pretty grotty for the past week and spending most of the time in my PJs, I felt that I needed a bit of cheering up. I find that when my hair looks good I feel good. However, my hair looked bloody awful! My face has got even fatter and I didn’t feel my hairstyle was very flattering at all, especially as I have to wear it up for work. I look the same shape as a snowman with the ball-shaped head and big round body with a couple of stick-like arms (and legs). It was time for a change.

After ploughing through Pinterest to get some ideas (flattering hair for fat faces) I saw several but they were too high maintenance by the look of them. I need, easy and simple styles for the fat face! Anyway, this morning I phoned the local hairdresser on the off-chance to see if they had any appointments free and they did at 1 pm.

The stylist was helpful and friendly and gave me some ideas as to what she thought would suit me. I took her advice, had quite a lot cut off, and a fringe put in and I loved it. It is not often I feel confident about my appearance but my new hairstyle made me feel fantastic.

Oh, and later on in the day, I had the results of another assignment. I was worried I would fail it after the disaster of the first essay but I passed. Definitely a fantastic day!

My new haircut!
#JusJoJan 2018. January 28th Knight — January 28, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 28th Knight

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 28th, 2018, brought to you by author Leta Hawk, is “Knight.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Leta at her blog, “Hawk’s Happenings,” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://letaphawk.wordpress.com/

When I think of a knight, the first image that springs to mind is one of a man dressed in a suit of armour with a shield, and probably sat on an impressive horse. I imagine him to spend his time jousting when not in battle, and trying to woo some fair maidens in his spare time!

Even in this modern age, we still refer to people as being ‘a knight in shining armour’ when they have done a good deed. I can’t imagine that there are a huge amount of ‘damsels in distress’ or Princesses that need rescuing, as modern-day ladies are more than capable of looking after themselves pretty well!

Although the idea of being swept off my feet by a handsome knight who would do anything to protect my honour, and treat me like a queen is very romantic. I would probably get fed up with being mollycoddled after a while, Cloaks placed over puddles are all well and good to stop a lady from getting her feet wet, but you can bet that your handsome knight would be expecting you to do the washing! How the hell would you clean a suit of armour as well, it would take bloody ages with Duraglit, and be messy to boot! Plus how annoying would it be to hear him clanking about first thing in the morning as he prepares to go off to battle, and you are trying to get a bit of beauty sleep!

Hmmm, the more I think about it, the happier I am that I am not a  medieval maid, I am definitely not cut out for it!

#JusJoJan and #SoCS 2018 January 27th Dancing — January 27, 2018

#JusJoJan and #SoCS 2018 January 27th Dancing

Linda’s Just Jot it January and Stream of Consciousness post for today is a little different in that we are not to write about the prompt word, as you will see from the rules below, but rather something associated with it.

Check out the prompt below for more clarity.

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: movement. However, don’t use the word “movement.” Choose some sort of movement, and base your post on that. Enjoy!

I do so wish that I could dance. I love music and actually get the urge to get up and dance, but sadly my body and mind let me down. I don’t have a lot of coordination and feel very self-conscious when dancing.

When I was younger and had a few drinks, I would get up on the floor and shuffle around my handbag, especially when something came on that I loved, but mostly I would be a wallflower sitting it out.

It doesn’t help that my sisters are great dancers and love to be up on the floor, especially as they try to drag me up with them.  I remember once going to a BBQ, where everyone was dancing. As usual, I was kind of standing there awkwardly, when one of the male guests who I did not know well, grabbed hold of me and tried dancing with me. Well, if you can imagine my mortification, as I felt more embarrassed and even stiffer and jerkier than normal, and to top it off he complained about my lack of rhythm!

At home, I will dance about with abandon if I feel like it, but I tend to dread going to parties where I will show myself up, either by getting up and ‘dancing’ with my lack of rhythm or by standing around awkwardly trying to do that kind of half-dance manoeuvre!

I thought dancing was supposed to ease away your worries and stresses not add to them!

#JusJoJan 2018. January 26th Address — January 26, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 26th Address

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 26th, 2018, brought to you by my fellow old-commercial enthusiast, John Holton, is “Address.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit John at his blog, “The Sound of One Hand Typing,” to read his post and say hi! Here’s his link:  https://thesoundofonehandtyping.wordpress.com/

Do you have a certain way that you prefer to be addressed or ones that you certainly do not want anyone to address you by? I know that for some people, it is very important.

One of the things that we are taught as future nurses is to make sure that we address people by their chosen preference. For some, (in many cases older people), it is Mr,  Mrs, Ms or Miss and their surname. My mother is one of these people mainly if someone does not know her. I think it shows a certain amount of respect, and I know when I was young, all adults were typically addressed this way unless they were very familiar to us and then it was prefaced by ‘uncle’ or ‘aunty’ and their Christian name. Nowadays it seems a little too formal for some, and just first names are used.

Actually, for some, it is their middle name that they use, not their first. My father’ name was Alfred John, but when he was in hospital if anyone called him ‘Alfred’ he wouldn’t have a clue who they were talking to. Others like myself, prefer a shortened version of their name.

I am fine with this, although for me, hearing my daughter’s friends call me ‘Judy’ seems a little too casual, yet ‘Mrs Martin’ too starchy! Despite some of my nieces and nephews being in their 20s and 30s, I will still always put ‘Aunty Judy’ on their cards, and my daughter refers to my siblings as ‘Aunty’ and ‘Uncle’ as well.

One thing we are not supposed to do is to call people’ love’, ‘darling’, ‘pet’, ‘sweetheart’ or any other ‘affectionate’ terms as they may find this condescending or inappropriate. This is not difficult for me, as I never use those terms with anyone other than very close family. It’s not that I am uncaring, I just feel very self-conscious about it. It does not bother me if people address me as ‘duck’ or ‘dear’ as I know, it is just their way, particularly if they are older, and sometimes it is used to make you feel more at ease.

Calling people by their rank can be a bit of a gamble if you are not sure how it works, or you might upset someone. In hospitals, some consultants are ‘Dr’ and some ‘Mr’, and you don’t want to be getting that wrong! I am not that au fait with religion enough as to whether to call someone ‘Father’, ‘Reverend’, ‘Padre’ or something else.

Are you particular about the way you like to be addressed?

#JusJoJan 2018. January 25th Predictions — January 25, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 25th Predictions

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 25th, 2018, brought to you by my dear friend Dar, is “Prediction.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Dar at her blog, “Darswords” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link: https://darsword.wordpress.com/

Throughout history, there have been several people who have made predictions as to what may happen in the future. I have heard of several of these and, for some reason (maybe my glass half empty kind of approach), I always seem to remember the disasters and general doom and gloom that the predictions foretold.

Nostradamus was particularly prolific in his prophecy telling. Despite writing them in such a way that they were difficult to interpret, he is believed to have predicted the Great Fire of London as well as the attack on the World Trade Centre. Given that Nostradamus died in 1566, it is astounding to think that he was ‘seeing visions’ of aeroplanes that would not be invented for centuries!

Similarly, a fictional story called’ ‘Futility, Or The Wreck of the Titan’ was almost a carbon copy of what actually happened to the ‘Titanic,’ fourteen years later. I do find that pretty creepy!

The year 1999 was a popular one, mainly because there were many predictions that this was the year the world was going to end. It didn’t of course!  Luckily, not even the Y2K virus that was terrifying everyone, promising total global chaos to everything computerised, managed to cause a commotion at the end of the year. In fact, it turned out to be a bit of a damp squib which did not extinguish the fabulous fireworks that rang in the new millennium!

Two very different outcomes of predictions that have been made. Do you take notice of predictions, or do you think they are they a load of nonsense, or handy coincidences?

#JusJoJan and #1LinerWeds 2018. January 24th Sick — January 24, 2018

#JusJoJan and #1LinerWeds 2018. January 24th Sick

Today we have the combination of Linda’s Just Jot it January and One-Liner Wednesday. I am going to keep it pretty short and sweet.

When I got up, Mr Grump was just about ready to leave for work. He looked a bit peaky and was pretty quiet. I asked him if he was ok; he looked at me balefully and said,

“I’ve got it now!”

Enough said. That makes all three of us now as Miss Hap came down with this horrendous cold a few days ago, and it is still lingering around in me. It’s going to be a bundle of laughs in our sick house this week!



#JusJoJan 2018. January 23rd Colour — January 23, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 23rd Colour

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 23rd, 2018, brought to you by the kind, considerate, and eloquently snarky Supernatural Snark, is “Colour.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Super at her blog, “Supernatural Snark” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://supernaturalsnark.wordpress.com/

Thinking about colour for our prompt word today, I realised just how much of an impact it has on our lives. It even gives clues as to the state of our health in some cases; if our skin colour suddenly appears yellow, pale, flushed or blue, it can indicate that something is wrong.

On a lighter note, colour can influence our mood, yellow always makes me feel cheery, and we recently decorated our front room changing the colour from orange (this is supposed to be an energetic colour although I found it to be cosy) to yellow, and duck egg blue (calming and serene). Red can be associated with rage and aggression although I think a ‘red light’ may have different connotations! Apparently purple is supposed to be romantic, but I find it somewhat cloying and uncomfortable if too dark.

On the subject of moods, or rather emotions, again we often associate these with colour too, for example, ‘green with envy’, ‘feeling blue,’ ‘red with anger’ or in a ‘white-hot rage.’  Similarly colour can describe a physical feeling, which as illustrated here by these emojis need no explanation!


Colour even influences our food choices. If a bit of raw meat looks a bit brown or worse, green, then we might decide not to eat it! However, when a brightly coloured salad is presented, it looks so appetising when all of the different colours are fresh and vibrant.

Seeing a blue sky with a shining yellow sun can really lift my mood, as can a bunch of brightly coloured flowers, either in a vase or growing wild. Natures beautiful colours are around us all the time to enjoy.

What’s your favourite colour?

#JusJoJan 2018. January 22nd Liberty — January 22, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 22nd Liberty

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 22nd, 2018, brought to you by the friendly and nautically inclined Capt Jill, is “Liberty.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Jill at her blog, “Capt Jills Journeys” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://captjillsjourneys.wordpress.com/

I know that, for many of you, the first thing you will think of when seeing the word liberty will probably be freedom, in one form or another. The first thing I thought of was the comedienne Catherine Tate’s ‘Nan’ character.

For those of you that don’t know her, you are missing out. She is an old lady living on her own that often gets visited by her grandson. She has got a lot to say about everybody but it is always behind their back and normally peppered liberally with swear words. Her particular favourite is …”f**king liberty!” She is anti-everything and everybody and has never heard of being politically correct.

I have included a clip for your enjoyment, but some may find it offensive!!

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