Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

I Would Tell You Over A Coffee — December 12, 2015

I Would Tell You Over A Coffee

Time for a coffee break and a catch-up. Pull up a chair, sit down with your beverage of choice, and let me fill you in on what’s been happening over here at Edwina’s Episodes.

I would tell you over a coffee...that I am almost ready for Christmas. I have even wrapped some of my presents which makes me feel all festive now.  We are going over to my younger sister’s this year for Christmas day so I am lucky enough to have a meal waiting for me when I finish work, and having BoxingDay off means I don’t have to worry about going to bed early Christmas night!

 I would tell you over a coffee…that I am getting excited about the arrival of my great niece/nephew who is due in February (a couple of days before my 50th birthday actually). The last baby we had in the family was actually my own daughter, which was 12 years ago now!  I have already been looking at all the cute little baby outfits that are around at the moment, and can’t wait to go baby shopping when it arrives.

I would tell you over a coffee…that I am settling into my job quite nicely now. I really have met some lovely patients and was actually quite touched when I bumped into one of them at one of the GP surgeries. He came bowling up to me putting his arm round me and asked me when his ‘trolley’ was coming (he wanted me to refer him for a walking aid). He and his wife are such happy, cheery people, always laughing when I go round there, despite their combined health problems.

I would tell you over a coffee…that I am still working on the novel that I wrote for NaNoWriMo. Thank goodness for my fellow bloggers too, who are helping me out with it.

I would tell you over a coffee…that myself and Mr Grump are trying to resist growing older, but it is now catching us out. Neither of us wear our glasses much ( I have to for work, but never do at home), but when we went to my sister’s a couple of weeks ago and ended up playing a game, neither of us could see properly to read the questions out, so ended up sharing my sister’s reading glasses!  We were due eyes tests last week and both of us need stronger prescriptions now too, so have had to order new glasses! Contact lenses are out of the question, as I cannot poke about with my eyes, no way! Damn you middle age!






I Would Tell You Over A Coffee….. — September 18, 2015

I Would Tell You Over A Coffee…..

Today we are going on a date for Writing 101! We are off to a coffee shop for a beverage of your choice (mine is a bucket of latte), and a quick catch-up! The only thing is, I will be doing all of the talking, so you will just have to sit there with a glazed expression, whilst I rabbit on.

I do love a virtual date as I don’t get tongue-tied or awkward, plus you won’t have to worry that you will end up wearing the coffee, after I have knocked it all over you in one of my clumsy moments! Anyway, let’s get on with it!

I would tell you over a coffee….that today is my first year Blogiversary, and that I am very proud to still be going with it.

I would tell you over a coffee…. that I am continuing to lose weight and have now gone from ‘obese’ to ‘overweight!’ (Bugger, I should have had a skinny latte)!

I would tell you over a coffee…. that the poll I did the other day about what type of things you would like me to write about ended with ‘things going wrong’ winning by 2 votes getting 13 in all.(You lot are cruel, but I also love to laugh at others misfortunes, so I’ll let you off)!

I would tell you over a coffee….that Miss Happ tried to pull a fast one today as me and Mr Grump have got days off by telling me she can’t go to school as her friend is off ill and that she is unable to get the bus on her own! (She was swiftly sent on her way)!

I would tell you over a coffee…. that I STILL haven’t got a start date for my new job yet, despite them telling me that they have all of the paperwork required (I am unable to give in my notice until I get it)!

I would tell you over coffee…. that yesterday I got not one, but two beautiful bouquets of flowers. One from Mr Grump, and one from my sister and niece who visited unexpectedly last night, armed with some beautiful red roses.

I would tell you over coffee…. that I can see you are bursting to go to the loo after that huge drink, so I will shut up now!!!

Episode 375: Ronovan’s Writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt Challenge #49 Lock & Gab — June 15, 2015
Blogging From A-Z Challenge: ‘T’ — April 23, 2015

Blogging From A-Z Challenge: ‘T’

We have come all the way to the letter ‘T’ in the Blogging From A-Z Challenge. This rather staunch letter, standing proud and tall. It can be titillating,trite or even topsy-turvy, all wonderful words in themselves which I had considered, but I have found one that I love the sound of even more…..here we go then, let’s have a bit of….

Tittle-tattle. This is a gloriously gossipy word; the gaggle of women giggling over the latest rumour. The “Oooh you wouldn’t believe what he told me about Sue” kind of word. It’s the salacious slandering of Sue’s character that follows, giving her credit for things she would love to have been guilty of doing.

This is the boredom-fuelled banter of people that have nothing better to do than chit-chat, and create Chinese  whispers about others purely for their own entertainment, or to have a feeling of one-upmanship by knowing something nobody else does, regardless of whether of not it is the truth.

Now, I do love a bit of gossip like everyone else……now if I tell you something, you have to promise not to go  tittle-tattling! 

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