Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

#Sillysaturday Sandy’s Workout — January 27, 2018

#Sillysaturday Sandy’s Workout

I have teamed up again with the talented Sandra (or Daffy as I like to call her), from Wild Daffodil  to bring you another bit of silliness this Saturday.  Sandra is incredibly artistic and creative, and I just love the images she has created out of shells, stones and flowers.

One of the nicest things about Sandra’s blog is that you never know what she is going to get up to next, from beach art to knitted wigs, and mandalas to making spirals in her garden.

Here is our little story for this week. Sandy decides he needs to lose a bit of weight and workout.

Sandy had a great time with Shelma

When they went out on their date

But he wanted to shape up

And decided he needed to lose weight

He had become rather chunky

And that made him feel rather glum

His goal was to be streamlined and sexy

It was time to tone up that tum!

Shelma had a great figure

wherever they went she had turned heads

Sandy was scared she’d lose interest

And that thought had filled him with dread

He worked out at the gym almost daily

although at first it seemed tough

He knew it was definitely worth it

When Shelma told him he looked buff!

Image courtesy of Sandra Dorey
#JusJoJan 2018. January 21st Silence — January 21, 2018

#JusJoJan 2018. January 21st Silence

I hope that you are enjoying my posts from Linda’s Just Jot it January as much as I am enjoying writing them.

Here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for January 21st, 2018, brought to you by the wonderful and talented Willow, is “Silence.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Willow at her blog, “Willowdot21” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link:  https://willowdot21.wordpress.com/

I like a bit of silence at times, mainly when I am reading. In fact, if there is a lot of background noise then I can’t really concentrate, and I have to go back to it later when it is quieter. It is a similar story when I am trying to write. I can ‘tune out’ a little bit, but I much prefer a bit of peace and quiet, which is often why I enjoy the early mornings before anyone else gets up.

I often find that if I am in a room with lots of people and there are all sorts of noises going on, then I find it difficult to have a conversation as I can’t hear properly. All of the sounds seem to mingle into one, and I have to keep asking people to repeat themselves which is not great. Either that or I try and interject a few “yesses”  and nodding hoping they are in the right places! I am sure some people must think I am a bit odd or even worse, rude, but it is not intentional.

Having said all that, I hate awkward silences just as much if not more. Quite a few years ago now, I embarked on a bit of online dating, where I met several ‘interesting’ characters to say the least. One of these was a lovely guy who I met up with at an Indian restaurant around 6 pm. He had driven quite a way to meet up and appeared very pleasant when we introduced ourselves.

The restaurant was empty, just us two and a few members of staff who of course, outnumbered us. I know the restaurant wasn’t in the town centre, but I thought it would be busier than it was. I did attempt to make conversation as much as possible as he lapsed into silence, but it was embarrassing as the staff were hovering nearby waiting to cater to our every need. It was apparent we were on a date, I am sure and when the food came, we fell on it gratefully. It was one of the most awkward dates that I ever went on. We were both shy and would try blurting out something random to make conversation, (usually at the same time), then another deafening silence would ensue until one of us plucked up some courage to think of something else to say.

All of this to the amusement, no doubt of the waiting staff. It was odd really as once I get going, I am generally ok, but my mind just went completely blank.  Eating in total silence with just the scraping of cutlery against china and a bit of background music, was almost as bad, but at least neither of us made any horrible squelchy eating noises!

I don’t know what’s worse!

I Would Tell You Over A Coffee….. — September 18, 2015

I Would Tell You Over A Coffee…..

Today we are going on a date for Writing 101! We are off to a coffee shop for a beverage of your choice (mine is a bucket of latte), and a quick catch-up! The only thing is, I will be doing all of the talking, so you will just have to sit there with a glazed expression, whilst I rabbit on.

I do love a virtual date as I don’t get tongue-tied or awkward, plus you won’t have to worry that you will end up wearing the coffee, after I have knocked it all over you in one of my clumsy moments! Anyway, let’s get on with it!

I would tell you over a coffee….that today is my first year Blogiversary, and that I am very proud to still be going with it.

I would tell you over a coffee…. that I am continuing to lose weight and have now gone from ‘obese’ to ‘overweight!’ (Bugger, I should have had a skinny latte)!

I would tell you over a coffee…. that the poll I did the other day about what type of things you would like me to write about ended with ‘things going wrong’ winning by 2 votes getting 13 in all.(You lot are cruel, but I also love to laugh at others misfortunes, so I’ll let you off)!

I would tell you over a coffee….that Miss Happ tried to pull a fast one today as me and Mr Grump have got days off by telling me she can’t go to school as her friend is off ill and that she is unable to get the bus on her own! (She was swiftly sent on her way)!

I would tell you over a coffee…. that I STILL haven’t got a start date for my new job yet, despite them telling me that they have all of the paperwork required (I am unable to give in my notice until I get it)!

I would tell you over coffee…. that yesterday I got not one, but two beautiful bouquets of flowers. One from Mr Grump, and one from my sister and niece who visited unexpectedly last night, armed with some beautiful red roses.

I would tell you over coffee…. that I can see you are bursting to go to the loo after that huge drink, so I will shut up now!!!

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