Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

Cold and Miserable! — March 15, 2016

Cold and Miserable!

Image courtesy of Pixabay

Oh, my nose is so drippy

And my throat is all scratchy and sore

I am constantly sneezing

And my nose has been wiped till it is raw

One minute I’m cold and all shivery

And feel like I’m going to freeze

The next I am a raging inferno

And I’m performing a fevered striptease!

I’ve had enough of this cold now

And being all sniffy and snotty

I just want to start feeling better

Instead of looking and feeling so grotty!

Hopefully, it will be gone soon

As it has been hanging around for too long

It is time for it to move on now

And bugger off to where it came from!

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