Reading Simply Marquessa’s blog about September being a month for renewal, It has inspired me to set myself a few goals for this month.  It is certainly a time of change for me, and I believe that having clear and manageable targets set out, will help me to achieve them.

  1. To continue with this new ‘lifestyle’ change. I am actually doing pretty well, having lost a further 2lbs bringing the total to 5lb. One more pound and I will be ‘overweight’ rather than ‘obese!’ (How funny that for once in my life, I am looking forward to being overweight)!  The exercise is going well too, as I seem to have found a bit of motivation and energy so am making the most of it!
  2. I also quite fancy having a go at Writing 101: Finding Everyday Inspiration. As you know, I am not a writer, but I might try to learn a few skills, and stretch myself more.
  3. I am going to have a bit of a clean out of my blog, trying to use mostly the Reader. Being confronted with loads of emails makes me stressed that I have so much catching up to do, and I put off writing posts due to spending hours catching up (the long way), flicking between email and Reader!
  4. Take more photos for my blog. I always admire those bloggers that take loads of beautiful photos that they use in their posts. I need to take more notice of my surroundings  – and take photos of it!
  5. Prepare myself for my new job. I have not given in my notice yet as apparently some of the paperwork and checks take ages to go through. I already spent a good hour yesterday printing and scanning, and completing assessments and questionnaires. I have to work out how to use a SatNav as well, and that will not be easy given that I am a dunce with technology!

I am hoping that this month, ‘I will be able to expand my mind and shrink my body!’