Day six of Linda’s Just Jot it January and the first Stream of Consciousness post of the year. It is a double bonus in my book, combining the two!

Anyway without further ado, here is today’s prompt word.

Your prompt for #JusJoJan and Stream of Consciousness Saturday is: “eco.” Find a word that starts with “eco” or has “eco” in it, and base your post on that word. Have fun!

Economising is the name of the game in January! After the over-indulgence of the festive period, it is time to cut back.

That means not only trying to save money by not splashing out on things that I don’t need (this is going to be tricky) but also not stuffing my face with things that I don’t need (this is going to be trickier)! Hmmm, I notice a bit of a thing going on here, it seems like I can’t do things by halves, it is all or nothing!

Most people can be satisfied with a small chunk of a family sized chocolate bar. Not me, I will have the small chunk then go back for another, and another until I have polished off the lot! It is the same if I see something in the shops that I want, (mainly gadgets). I think that I am economising by buying that new set of pans or more recently, my new multicooker when in actual fact, I didn’t need them in the first place!

If only I could become as over-indulgent at the gym!