Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

Wacky Word Wednesday — October 21, 2015

Wacky Word Wednesday

Welcome to my Wacky word Wednesday! I do love digging up weird, wonderful or wacky words to share, that quite frankly, are not getting the usage they deserve! Today I have found one that is still around, but not as popular as it used to be (probably because to be called it is not exactly complimentary. I love the sound of this word as it is, but that can be improved even more if you inject a bit of venom into it!

Gormless.  This is a ‘lights on but nobody home’ kind of a word. Vacant and vacuous. dopey and dim-witted, the kind of puzzled and perplexed look that shows a total lack of comprehension. It is the airhead, who can’t concentrate, the numskull that doesn’t get it no matter how many times it is repeated!

It is the dunderhead fooling around and messing everything up; the silly idiot playing pitiful pranks. All-in-all, a pretty apt word to describe how I am feeling at the moment trying to learn things for my new job!

Wacky Word Wednesday — October 14, 2015

Wacky Word Wednesday

Well, this week I have managed to remember  that my ‘Wacky word Wednesday’ feature should actually be posted on Wednesday! I have got a hyphenated word for you this week (sounds posh, but is far from it) which I have heard right from when I was a little girl, and actually now refer to myself as being it, before anyone else gets in!

Cack-handed. This word is very often applied to left-handers such as myself but, is also ham-fisted, heavy-handed. awkward and inept. Someone who is incompetent and incapable. clumsy and cumbersome.

They are butterfingered and burdensome, bungling, and bodging everything up. Graceless and gauche are their middle names, as they barge about their business clomping about like cart horses, breaking things or knocking them over!

Wacky Word Wednesday #20 — September 23, 2015

Wacky Word Wednesday #20

This is week 20 of my Wacky Wordy Wednesday feature where I have fun with a word that is weird, wonderful or just plain wacky! It is always a pleasure hunting down words that I think people will like; either because they are unfamiliar to them, or as a blast from the past that brings back memories along with a smile.

Today I have found a word that I love the sound of. This is true of many of the words that I choose. I can burst out laughing when I hear a word like this, this isn’t meant to be funny, but just has that comedic ring to it, (I know, I am odd)! So here is my offering today.

Boffin. This is the expert, the geeky bod with his head in a science book.  A mad professor, wild haired and wild-eyed, cooking  up potions in his laboratory, or inventing gadgets like the top of an egg chopper-off-er, or other eccentricities.

Wherever there are sheds filled with assorted odds and ends that nobody wants, there will be a brain-bonce poring over blueprints and strange looking diagrams, cobbling together all manner of ‘handy’ household items! Sometimes, they even work!

Wacky Word Wednesday #19 — September 16, 2015

Wacky Word Wednesday #19

Welcome to Wacky Word Wednesday where I get to have a bit of fun with a word that is (in my opinion), weird, wacky or wonderful. Whatever it may be, the one thing I am sure of  is that it needs to have another airing. Today’s word is not used too much anymore and it should be; it has a wonderful sound and is so much more pleasant than its modern day counterparts.

Trollop. Oh dear, this is a naughty girl; a strumpet and streetwalker, harlot and whore selling sex to the sinful! A hooker and a hussy, she primps and preens herself in order to prey on some punters.

She is a lady of the night, courting customers, promising pleasure for payment, even if it is only a quickie round the corner! An escort with extras, A hooker that will give you a happy ending if the price is right!

Wacky Word Wednesday #17 — September 2, 2015

Wacky Word Wednesday #17

Welcome to another Wacky Word Wednesday. It is time for yet another weird, wonderful or wacky word to get an airing this week. This is another word that had origins that I was not aware of; now that I am, it makes it all the more appealing to me! So, let me present to you….

Mollycoddle. I thought you might be interested to know that in the 19th Century a ‘Molly’ or ‘Moll’ was a girl or prostitute. ‘Coddle’ of course is to over-indulge someone. Now, for a filthy-minded person like me, this conjures up all sorts of wicked thoughts!

Back to ‘mollycoddle,’ it is pampering and pandering, spoiling and spoon-feeding; treating like a baby, cosseting and cajoling. This is a child that is wrapped in cotton wool, it’s every whim catered to, waited on hand and foot, smothered with love and almost killed with kindness!

Very often a mollycoddled person is a wimp and a weakling, a bit of a namby-pamby, big girl’s blouse type. Someone who is scared of their own shadow, and clings to their mummy’s skirts.

It certainly does not do anyone any favours in life!

Episode 472: Wacky Word Wednesday #16. — August 26, 2015

Episode 472: Wacky Word Wednesday #16.

Wednesday is here again so soon, and I have been toying with a couple of words this week that have caught my fancy. The one I have settled on, is a word that seems to have a comical air about it before it has even been applied to anything. although it is not something that I would want flung in my direction!

Flabby. This word is flaccid and floppy, droopy and dangling, It is that loose bit of skin under your arms that is wiggly and jiggly, wobbling about like a party jelly that has only just set, and is desperate to slide off the plate.

Years ago when I had attempted to make Yorkshire pudding, my efforts were described as ‘flabby’ by a male friend of my sister’s! This could have been due to the fact that it was rather limp and lacklustre!

Being a bit out of shape, and rather baggy and saggy myself, this word aptly describes my figure!

Episode 465: One-Liner Wednesday: Saucy! — August 19, 2015
Episode 464. Wacky Word Wednesday #15 —

Episode 464. Wacky Word Wednesday #15

Wednesday is here which means it is time to pay tribute to, and celebrate another weird, wacky or wonderful word. Today I have chosen one that, although still used frequently, has a light and fluffy texture to it, that always brings a smile to my face.

Kerfuffle. This word is causing a commotion or creating chaos. It is getting mixed up in the middle of a melee or fighting your way out of a fracas.

Causing a rumpus, starting a scrimmage, or even bickering and brawling, this word likes to get in the thick of the action. It is a free-for-all fight or feud that anyone is welcome to take part in.

This word is the result of a few drinks on a Saturday night in my local town centre!

Episode 459: A Bit of Sunday Silliness. — August 16, 2015

Episode 459: A Bit of Sunday Silliness.

I thought I would share something that might make you smile this morning. You may remember some time ago when I posted a clip of my favourite advert featuring Dave and his strut in stiletto heels here

Well, this is what the company has followed it up with. 

Episode 445: Wacky Word Wednesday #13 — August 5, 2015

Episode 445: Wacky Word Wednesday #13

After a bit of a grumpy start to the week, I am glad that it is now Wednesday and I can cheer myself up by dusting off a word that I haven’t heard for ages, but it just makes me laugh when I do. I tried it out on Mr Grump a couple of times as well, by calling him it (not that he was impressed; still, I enjoyed it). This teeny little word says it all……

Berk. This is such a silly word, looking a right Charlie if you ask me. A foolish fathead who is a bit of a wally; a nincompoop, numpty or even a knob.

This clueless clot is a dunderhead to say the least. they blunder around blithering and blathering and generally acting the buffoon. It is normally harmless and inoffensive just blissfully ignorant. Acting like a prat and being a bit of a plank is par for the course!

I seem to have quite a lot in common with this word! 🙂

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