Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

Photography 101: Bliss and Captions — March 10, 2016

Photography 101: Bliss and Captions

Mum's Birthday
Some of my (rather large) family!

Today for Photography 101, we are to post a photo of ‘bliss.’ This could be anything that brings us joy and happiness. Also, the task is to caption the photo.

This was quite easy for me actually as this photo captures several elements that are important to make in making me happy.

Firstly, being with family; yes we get on each other’s nerves at times and we have our quarrels, but we also have a great laugh as well, and some wonderful times together.

Food.Whenever there is food around, I am happy! Especially if it is a BBQ.

Fine weather. Now I love a bit of sunshine and sitting outside on a warm summer’s evening. I am a bit fussy though in that if it is too hot, I will moan (there is no pleasing some people, I know)!

The only thing missing from this picture is the beach. I do love swimming in the sea, and lazing about on the sand feasting on a picnic!


Oh, What A Beautiful Morning — December 9, 2015

Oh, What A Beautiful Morning

This morning was like a summer’s day down here in Kent. As I was driving around early this morning on the way to my patients, the sun was so huge and bright, that I could barely see, especially as it was so low in the sky.

I kept trying to get pictures of it and finally the one I got was whilst waiting at some traffic lights! I could hardly even look at it as it  was so strong. This is just unheard of at this time of year.

The other photos I took were just outside of Wye  just past the crown. it was so stunningly beautiful I just had to pull over and take a pic. Although I have lived in this area for years, I suppose I never appreciated the beauty of what was literally on my doorstep.

So, there I was chugging about in my little car with my Christmas tunes blasting out and a beautiful, almost blue sky. Much better than being stuck in an airless  hospital ward!




Episode 428: A Ray of Sunshine Haiku — July 23, 2015
Episode 393: 7 Wonderful Things About The Summer! — June 25, 2015

Episode 393: 7 Wonderful Things About The Summer!

  1. Looking at all the beautiful gifts nature has bestowed on us. The flowers, now in full bloom, not only do they look gorgeous, some of them have a wonderful scent too
  2. Good old BBQs, I do love them. It is particularly lovely when there are a load of you getting together enjoying the flavoursome food, and each other’s company.
  3. The sea. I love swimming in the sea in summer time. A beautiful hot day, lazing on the beach and then cooling off with a refreshing swim.
  4. Not having to remember a coat! It is great just being able to go out in  short sleeves without having to worry about getting cold.
  5. Listening to some great summer tunes! I love music at the best of times but I always feel happy listening to the sounds of summer!
  6. The light mornings and evenings. I have never been that keen on the dark so having so much daylight really lifts my spirits, especially when I get up nice and early and the sun is already shining brightly.
  7. People come out of hibernation. There always seems to be more to do in the summer, People feel much more sociable, and get-togethers happen frequently.

See I am not negative all the time!

Episode 354: Love-Hate Challenge — May 31, 2015

Episode 354: Love-Hate Challenge

Rob over at the V-Pub has nominated me to take part in this challenge. Please go and check out his blog if you haven’t already; he has lots of things to tickle your fancy, both naughty and nice!

In this challenge, I have to list ten things that I love and then ten things that I hate.   Then, I’ll nominate 10 bloggers to do the same.  Here goes:

Things I love:

  1. I love to laugh.
  2. Seeing the sunshine, that always makes me feel happy.
  3. Hearing my daughter’s laugh (she has a cute little screechy giggle)
  4. Enjoying a BBQ with friends and family
  5. Blogging of course 🙂
  6. Learning new things. Knowledge is a wonderful thing that I can’t get enough of!
  7. Flowers, especially scented roses and sweet peas…..beautiful.
  8. Swimming, especially in the sea
  9. Getting lost in a really good book
  10. Music especially from 60s, 70s and my favourite the 80s!

Things I hate:

  1. Bad manners. There really is no excuse for this.
  2. Trying to lose weight…where on earth is my willpower?
  3. Heights, I really am hopeless with heights and can’t even look at things on tv if it shows a view from on top of a high building or something
  4. Cruelty of any kind whether to animals or humans!
  5. Scammers. Those that prey on the elderly and the vulnerable.
  6. Brussel sprouts and broad beans….YUCK!
  7. Daddy-long-legs, wasps and other creatures!
  8. Scraping ice off the car in the winter!
  9. Being woken up when I have fallen asleep on the settee!
  10. Shouty people.

Here are my 10 nominees for the Challenge should they wish to join in (there is of course, no obligation)

Fourth Generation Farm Girl

My Travels with Depression

Homemade Naturally

The Indecisive Eejit

Diary of a Dublin Housewife

Joeyfully Stated

Heels and a Toolbox

A Prompt Reply


Wild Daffodil

Episode 346: #BeWoW – How I Keep Positive. — May 26, 2015

Episode 346: #BeWoW – How I Keep Positive.

This is  my BeWoW post  as inspired  by Ronovan

Keeping positive is something that I am constantly striving to achieve, seeing as I have always tended to look on the negative side of things!

I think as I have got older I have become much more determined, and actually that does help me to focus on the positive, or at least to have a little more self-belief. Workwise, I still have ambition, and want to try to move up another rung on the ladder,and being negative and doubting my ability will not help me get to where I want to be.

Suffering with depression as well, it can very often be difficult to keep positive, as I get times when I feel pretty useless, and rubbish at everything. This drags me down until I turn inwards, and just want to stay in and see nobody (except my husband and daughter). I realise that it is not healthy and am trying to combat this.

Enough of the doom and gloom now, and back to being positive. I think sometimes just reflecting on the things that I have in my life, that I am so thankful for helps too. For example, I have a beautiful daughter, wonderful husband and family as well as a job that I enjoy.

The warmer weather always improves my mood as well. Seeing the sunshine seems to lift my spirits and I realise that there is lots to look forward to; family BBQs, days at the beach, swimming in the sea. all the little pleasures that make life so enjoyable. These are all positive events.

I am also blessed that I have wonderful friends, work colleagues and of course, the blogging community. Interaction with other people for me is very important. Despite my being reclusive at times, I still like to interact with others, and being able to do so online is great for me when I am in hermit mode!

So staying positive is, for me, all about being grateful for what I have, having goals and achieving them, and being surrounded by wonderful and supportive family and friends.

Episode 344: Here Comes Summer! —

Episode 344: Here Comes Summer!

What a pleasant day it turned out to be today. As we have just had a Bank Holiday, and the kids are off on half-term, the weather forecast had been rather gloomy for this week (typical), so to see the sun shining this morning was a bonus.

Yesterday my younger sister had given me some cucumber and tomato seedlings, 2 sunflower seedlings and some sweet peas to put in my garden as Mr Grump has not planted anything this year. Luckily, the rosemary, chives and rhubarb we had previously as well as my roses, are doing pretty well, so our garden will not be too sparse this year after all!

Anyway, Miss Hap was out with her friend for the day so I got on with a bit of housework, but had a nice unexpected visit from my sister-in-law. We then went off to pick up my little sister from work and went back to her house to sit out in the garden for while.

My sister (Masterchef) likes to makes an occasion our of everything, we sat outside drinking Earl Grey tea from pretty china cups (she kept glancing over at me as I am usually not to be trusted with anything delicate due to my clumsiness) and tucking into a huge platter of cheese, gammon, feta cheese and biscuits.

It was so lovely sitting there chatting, as we rarely get to spend time with each other. The garden looked beautiful with the flowers and plants just coming to life, the sun was shining,and we all were laughing. It was such a simple pleasure, but gave me a much-needed boost to my mood!

Oh and when I got home I got sunburnt – but of course being me, it is only on the one arm! Classy! 🙂

Episode 220: You Know Spring Is Sprung (In the UK) When….. — March 14, 2015

Episode 220: You Know Spring Is Sprung (In the UK) When…..

Spring is definitely on the way here in the UK at the moment, We have even had a couple of consecutive pleasant days which is a sure sign that some of the following are going to happen…..

  • The good old barbecue will be dusted off and dragged into service due to the face that the sun shone for over an hour. (Yes, guess what we are having for dinner tonight?) It was lovely whilst I was at work, but of course now the sun has gone in and it has clouded over. By the time we get to cook all the goodies Mr Grump has bought the rain will probably be bucketing down! No matter.
  • The more macho of the men would have also dug their shorts out for the occasion too.Forget the fact that the temperatures are still pretty chilly, and we have had a bit of frost. That won’t bother them. They are determined to expose their pasty legs for all to admire (usually with a great big pair of boots on their feet, it’s not summer yet you know)!
  • Everywhere you look there are adverts for some miracle diet or another that will have you ‘bikini ready’ by the summer if you start now! That’s all well and good, and I have already started my diet, but that is one hell of a tall order! Mind you I might be baggy t-shirt and long shorts ready by the summer if I work really hard at it!
  • People have started to hang their washing on the line, so that it has that lovely ‘outdoor freshness’ appeal. Mine doesn’t. My garden gets the shade most of the day, and if I were to hang my washing out now it would be just as limp and damp when I brought it in as it was when I hung it out 8 hours earlier!
  • The local garden centres are starting to get busy now, People have decided that it is time to start planting things or doing a spot of DIY, This means that the frost will kill off many of the seedlings that have sprouted when that kicks in; also the A&E departments in the hospitals will be extra busy with the results of the DIY disasters!

Ahh yes, spring is such a wonderful time of year!

Episode 206: Sing-A-Long Sunday — March 8, 2015

Episode 206: Sing-A-Long Sunday

I do love those off-the-cuff days, where you have nothing planned as such, and things take an unexpected but really pleasant turn…..

My younger sister (Mrs Masterchef) phoned and asked Mr Grump if he had some tools, as she had a new water-butt that needed installing, and as the weather was glorious again today, it  was ideal to do the job. Her husband (Mr Musician) is not renown for his DIY skills and we were invited to their house so that Mr Grump (who is very handy) could help if necessary.

Miss Hap was visiting nanny and playing with friends there so didn’t come with us, I had decided that i would wear my lovely  high heels to match my outfit that wasn’t black (for once). Anyway once we got there and saw them in their wellies and working clothes I felt a bit over-dressed teetering about in my clod-hoppers!

I made myself comfortable out in the sun and left Mrs Masterchef and Mr Grump grappling with a standpipe and a hacksaw, and Mr Musician at the very top of the garden digging it over, and pulling out huge roots that had more meat on them than he did!

I did occasionally wander over to see how they were getting on fitting the water butt and cringed when i saw a hairline crack had appeared in one of the fittings, after a bit of manhandling by Mr Grump. Time for a cup of tea I think! All of them were on the booze so I put the kettle on for myself, but spilt water all over the worktop as the lid came off the water jug.

Once the work was done and they had tidied up, Mr Musician went to get his guitar for a bit of a sing-along. I love these occasions, as both he and my sister have fantastic voices, and they sing so well together too. Myself and Mr Grump decided to lower the tone a bit and we crooned along. I thought we all did a brilliant version of  ‘Dreadlock Holiday’ that 10cc would have enjoyed.

By this time the high heels that were killing my feet had been kicked  off, and Mrs Masterchef’s fluffy bootie type slippers put on. One of the advantages of being in the company of family (especially when they are the same shoe size)!

Time went all too quickly before we needed to go home to have dinner and prepare for work and school tomorrow, I just love those kind of chilled days, enjoying the company of family. Oh and as an added bonus; since I have given up smoking my voice is not as croaky as before, and I occasionally even hit the right note!

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