It’s Friday!! We are in the midst of a heatwave over in the good old UK, so it’s hot, hot, hot!

I have found a few great blogs for you to peruse this week (unfortunately, time has  been a bit limited so there are not as many as I would like). I still have 2 wonderful stories for you, one hilarious experience we can all relate to, and a very witty observation.

Smorgasbord. This was really beautiful and touching story, that was told in such a wonderful way, it really came to life.

Homemade Naturally As you know I love a bit of Flash Fiction and I thought this was a clever take on the photo prompt!

Barrow Blogs This post form one of Judith’ s Creative Writing students had me wiping the tears from my eyes with laughter. It is something most of us can relate to as well.

Dandelion Fuzz This list is very funny and observational. I love Kat’s style of writing and sense of humour.

So there you have a few little treasures to unearth over the weekend. All of these blogs are worth checking out as they each have so much more to them than the posts I have chosen for this week.

Happy Friday!