Rhyme and No Reason!

Blogger, author and rhymester who likes to find the humour in life.

#FundayMonday Reasons I Love the Seasons — November 27, 2017

#FundayMonday Reasons I Love the Seasons

Today’s video poem is about my appreciation for the seasons. Each one has something beautiful to offer.

If you enjoyed those poems, and have time for a cuppa then you might like to check out my book Rhymes of the Times. It has many more poems like this and is perfect for dipping in and out of when you fancy a little pick-me-up.


Rhymes of the Times



Click here to be taken to my author page where you can purchase the book.


Ronovan’s writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt #75 ‘Charm’ &’Look’ — December 14, 2015

Ronovan’s writes Weekly Haiku Poetry Prompt #75 ‘Charm’ &’Look’

Ronovan has been kind to us this week and given us ‘charm’ and ‘look’ as our prompt words for his weekly haiku challenge. He has asked that we try and make the two sentences oppose each other, which I always seem to find the trickiest part. However, this week, I think I have managed to do it!

Always being up for a challenge, I also decided to try out a ‘Freku’ as created by Ronovan. It is writing a free verse then a haiku afterward that sums it up. You can find out more about this if you click on the link above.

Here is my attempt on both this week.


The sun so bright and warming

The sky a brilliant blue

The land so green and luscious

There’s sheep on the hilltop too.


But this was not the height of summer

Nor the middle of  July

It was in  bleak midwinter

When I was driving by



The Downs.jpg

A British Winter — October 24, 2015

A British Winter

The summer is now over

The clocks go back tonight

Dark winter evenings beckon

And the mornings are less bright

Halloween will be upon us

When the kids will knock our doors

Dressed as ghosts and vampires

Dripping with blood and gore

Next we celebrate Guy Fawkes

And his failed gunpowder plot

With fireworks and bonfires

Sparklers, the lot!

Then of course comes Christmas

With its season of goodwill

When Santa comes a calling

Looking for some stockings to fill

Then we start the New Year

With hopes and dream anew

Resolutions for improvements

Which last until week two!

February brings Valentine’s Day

When love is in the air

With hearts, and flowers and chocolates

And cute little teddy bears!

Then the winter’s over

Spring comes to say hello

And, seeing as this is Britain

We’ll probably get some snow!

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons 

What I see in a Tree — September 23, 2015

What I see in a Tree

Majestically it stands there

Surveying all it sees

The winter branches barren

Devoid of lush green leaves.


Yet life is still within it

Just waiting for the spring

When its buds start blooming

And the birds begin to sing


In summer comes its glory

When it wears a party dress

Of several different colours

Its beauty outshines the rest


Then autumn comes a-calling

And it starts a slow striptease

The leaves are changing colour

And are dropping in the breeze


This is the work of nature

Of death and then re-birth

The barren and the beautiful

The treasures from the earth.

This is a poem I wrote some time ago, that I thought would fit the bill perfectly for my understanding of a vignette, the task for today’s Writing 101 course.

Episode 483: Seven Signs That Summer is Almost Over — September 5, 2015

Episode 483: Seven Signs That Summer is Almost Over

  1. The last little rose has poked  its head out of the now mass of leaves, (some of which are turning brown) and it won’t be long before they are cut back for next year.
  2. The blankets are out! Yes, the weather is turning chillier, and we all have our little blankets that we like to snuggle under in our house. Roxy nicked my place on the settee and Mr Grump fussed around setting her down so she is warm and snug
  3. The nights are drawing in very rapidly; it is now getting dark so much earlier in the evening and, unfortunately, the early mornings are also getting darker making it harder to get up.
  4. The dressing gowns are coming out of hibernation as well now, It won’t be long before the fleecy pyjamas get an airing either!
  5. Only the true stalwarts are still cutting about in shorts! I know the English like to get them on as soon as it is either officially ‘summer’ regardless of weather, or we get a bit of decent sunshine regardless of the season!
  6. The colds and flu have started already! Yes, as some of you know, Mr Grump has already got ‘man flu’ and no doubt the rest of us will end up succumbing to it!
  7. All the Christmas stuff has started making its way into the shops! Gah!

Roxy Snuggling

Episode 121: Reasons I Love The Seasons….. — January 24, 2015

Episode 121: Reasons I Love The Seasons…..

Summer days spent swimming

And picnics on the sands

Strolls along the seafront

Lovers holding hands

Autumn leaves are falling

Golden leaves lay at our feet

Halloween and Bonfires

Kids going ‘Trick or Treat’

Winter and its freezing

Kids sledging down the hill

Holidays and presents

The season of goodwill

Spring brings new life with it

As nature’s cycle starts again

The leaves and flowers grow once more

Refreshed by winter’s rain

Episode 35: Remember, Remember The 5th of November…. — November 5, 2014

Episode 35: Remember, Remember The 5th of November….

Good old Guy Fawkes. Thanks to his botched attempt to blow up the House of Lords and King James 1st with it, we get to celebrate November 5th with fireworks and bonfires, which stems from the celebrations that occurred after the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605.

In keeping with British tradition, it has absolutely bucketed down with rain all day. That’s such a shame for those that have built bonfires ready to set alight tonight, The weather has literally put a damper on everything as it so often does, but where there is a will there is a way, and it will take more than a bit of rain to put people off their celebrations tonight.

I remember a couple of years ago on bonfire night, myself, Mr Grump, Miss Hap and a friend of hers decided to climb right to the top of the nearby Downs by candle light with a load of other people,where we would be rewarded with a spectacular bonfire and firework display once we reached the summit.Mr Grump was going to catch up with us halfway up as he had not finished work yet….

Me and the girls waited with all the others at the starting point, but soon realised that we were at somewhat of a disadvantage as most people had sensibly bought lanterns, and torches etc, we of course had nothing! Never mind, we could just tag along with people who had a light in order that we could see where we were going. In theory this was a good plan, however in practice they were pretty fit people, striding along up the hill, and it didn’t take long for me to lag behind, puffing and panting. We waited for the next group with lights and started the long climb again, but I was totally out of condition, and was concerned that I was going to have a heart attack, with all the wheezing and blowing, stopping and starting.

At last we made it to the top, just as Mr Grump caught us up (He had been really crafty and  parked his van on the road about halfway up the downs, cut through the fields that were cordoned off for the ‘experienced walkers’) and was with us in record time! It was a beautiful sight right out across the downs where the whole town could be seen. Different coloured fireworks lit up the sky and it was a wonderful sight t behold and well worth the effort.

Tonight though for our family, we will not be venturing out, As I sit here by my back door, I can hear the whizzes, bangs and pops of a few locals letting off the odd box of fireworks The dog gives an occasional bark to show her displeasure at the noise , but she is surprisingly unafraid, As I have just returned from the doctor’s with a throat infection, fever, and a week’s worth of antibiotics  we have decided to stay in the warm and dry.(That’s what you get for giving up smoking)!!!

I remember when I was young, you very often used to see a group of kids (usually boys) with a rickety old trolley which had a lumpy, home-made effigy of a Guy sitting drunkenly in it, with a sign asking for ‘A penny for the Guy’. You don’t see that so much now though which is a shame. Some of those ‘guys’ were pretty good, normally made with someone’s dad’s old jumper and trousers stuffed with newspaper so it would burn better on the bonfire.

As for the fireworks, well we had never heard of Health and Safety back then. The Dads would be out in the garden letting rockets off out of milk bottles! Everyone would be ooohing and ahhing especially when the ‘Catherine Wheel’ was lit. Oh this was the showpiece,… Hammered in to the back fence it would start to turn very slowly , then speed up, twirling around and around shooting wonderful sparks and colours out as it went, then… Bang,,,it took off where it was not hammered in properly and everyone would be ducking and diving to avoid getting hit!

Things then calmed down with sparklers.Little kids would be waving them around in the air making pretty patterns with the glowing ends.Then the food which would normally be a huge warming stew or jacket potatoes cooked in the fire, plus other winter goodies….Ahh, yes, those were the days…Now though organised displays which people are encouraged to attend, charge and arm and a leg for 30 mins of fireworks which you can barely get anywhere near, and if you are lucky a measly hot dog or burger which are flabby and tepid!

Episode 25: Cosy Nights In…… — October 25, 2014

Episode 25: Cosy Nights In……

Well it’s official! As of 2am tonight (or more precisely tomorrow morning) British summertime ends and winter is upon us…So far autumn has been pretty good, it has  even been  warm enough to wear a t-shirt out WITH NO COAT (sorry for the excitement, but this is England and we are not used to having such mild weather, even in summer)!!

Anyway,,, whatever the weather (us Brits are obsessed with it I know), one thing for sure is, the nights will get darker earlier, and  will therefore feel longer, so I have decided that now would be a good time to do a bit of decorating, as it will give Mr Grump plenty to occupy him, plus the hall, stairs and landing are in desperate need of brightening up!

Luckily for me, Mr Grump is pretty handy. He will have a go at most DIY jobs, and has already done a bit of painting in the house. However, I know he is not keen on this particular job, as it will  take ages, and not only do I hate painting and decorating myself, but also seem to get in the way whilst he is trying to get on with it……Funnily enough, he doesn’t like my helpful suggestions either, so I end up just keeping him supplied with cups of tea, and then staying well out of the way,

Unluckily, for Mr Grump, both myself and Miss Hap are also off all week. I know that he won’t want either of us  anywhere near him when he gets the ladder out to paint the top part of the landing, as we are both so clumsy there is a good chance that one of us will trip over the ladder and send him plummeting to his doom, right  to the bottom of the stairs. However, he needn’t worry about that as:

a) he is not insured for enough and is worth more alive,

b) I can’t bear mess as it is, and don’t want to have to clean him up off of the carpet,

c) I still have more decorating to be done!

I know that he has all the equipment that he needs for the job in the shed, so all I have to do now is choose the colour of the paint (I know I want something bright, lively and cheerful, which no doubt, will not be to his taste, especially if it is not blue)! Maybe a lemony yellow, or perhaps a nice lime green would make our home feel happy and welcoming (and not nauseous and dizzy as I suspect it might,if the colour turns out wrong)!!

Well all I have to do now is a bit of nagging (or should I say ‘reminding’, men do have a tendency to forget things you want them to do so you have to ‘remind’ them now and again) or if that doesn’t work, I may have to resort to resort to underhand tactics and use my womanly wiles on him (not sure about that one, as it means I will have to be nice for a while, and I won’t be able to keep that up for long)!!

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