Those who don’t believe in magic will never find it.
Roald Dahl

This week for Colleen and Ron’s Writer’s Quote Wednesday challenge we have been given ‘magic’ as our prompt. I feel that there are many wondrous and magical things around us , if only we take the time to see it.

Magic is all around us

If only we choose to see.

The first cry of a baby

Delicious honey from a bee

The beauty of the countryside

In the flowers and the trees

The secret little kingdoms

That dwell beneath our seas

The sunrise and the sunset

Fluffy clouds that float on by

The aurora borealis-

That lightshow in the sky

The scientific breakthroughs

That helps us cure our sick

Magicians that keeps us guessing

At how they do their tricks

The glistening snowy landscape

Sparkling stars at night

Yes, magic is all around us

It makes our world so bright.